Friday, December 19, 2008

No Soup For You

My week is a little off with the kids having their last day of school on a Thursday. I kinda thought yesterday was Friday all day. I knew it wasn't because I had invited a few neighbors over for a Friday night Christmas get together. They didn't show up yesterday.

The good thing about having people over is how "clean" my house gets. It's mostly clean most of the time. (insert Princess Bride "mostly dead" reference) My house was looking pretty good by the time neighbors showed up thanks to child labor.

My part of the evening was the soups. Everyone else volunteered the rest of dinner, I figured that it would be easier to focus on just one part of the meal. I nearly caved and started making more food, but I restrained. Boy am I glad I didn't make more, I think we had enough food for an army. I was going to make two soups, but threw in a third at the last minute. Ironically that was the one I had never made before, took the most time, but was the crowd favorite. But then again, who doesn't like a good baked potato soup? (I don't think I'll ever be able to make it the same again, I was adding things left and right)

I had some forethought earlier in the week and had bought some crafty things for the kids to play with. The favorite things was the Crayola Air-Dry Clay. I had bought red and white thinking that the kids could roll out candy cane ornaments. The kids had other ideas.
Emma wants to give this to Santa. I'm trying really hard to buy it off her. I don't want this to have to "disappear" because Santa took it. I'm sure that Santa needs the candy cane reindeer, right?!


Debbie said...

Love the Santa. I love that Emma gave him her own "spin" - white must be the new red.

Frankie/mom said...

Your party sounds wonderful.... how about sharing some of the recipes with the rest of us? I love baked potato soup; what was different about yours? Does it have cheese & onions?

Frankie/mom said...

You've got a little artist there. Very creative Santa. Yep, it's a keeper for sure.

Keira said...

It only needs to disappear for a few years (until she figures out "the Santa secret"). I vote you keep it.