Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Law Of Murphy

Why is it that smoke detectors never go off in the middle of the day (unless there really is a fire)?

At approximately 4:19 AM the alarm went off and I flew out of bed. Had Michael been home I'm sure I would have rolled over to let him deal with the situation. Immediately I think that the gas has been left on and I'll need to belly crawl down the stairs to check the stove. Speed won out and I run down the stairs to check the appliances and smell for smoke/gas. Nope nothing.

(A friend recently has a house fire and I'm a bit paranoid about it happening. I do not want to spend three weeks in a hotel with three kids. Shudder.)

As suddenly as the alarm goes on, it goes off. Well, I'm walking around checking the detectors and finally decide to go back to bed. No sooner has my head hit the pillow then the blasted alarm goes off again. I swear that I had check Jack's room alarm, apparently the battery was bad and causing all the alarms to go off.

Getting a chair and ripping the detector off the ceiling was a little more than stressful and I'm been up since hopped up on adrenaline.

Again, why is it that detectors go off in the middle of the night?!


Tia Harrington said...

Well the planets had thoroughly alined. Frankly I am a little surprised that you bothered trying to sleep at all as something inevitably will go wrong when a) your dh is gone and b)it will only go wrong in the middle of your REM cycle.
Just remember in times of deprived sleep: Call before you kill.
Love you!

Michael said...

I think (off topic) Tia spends too much time on two peas, if she uses the acronym DH anyplace else.

My question (on topic) is why would an alarm EVER go off without there being a fire??!? It should just chirp if the battery is dying.

Betty Debbie said...

Our smoke alarms just chirp. And chirp and chirp.

Suzanne said...

Even the chirping (which did NOT happen this time) usually don't start until the middle of the night.