Wednesday, December 2, 2009


When I woke up this morning it was a bit chilly in the house. The heater is SUPPOSED to turn on about 6 am and warm up the house. Well, the upstairs heater was on and running but it couldn't quite warm up the downstairs. It was 58 degrees downstairs. I'd like to say that my blood was gotten a little thicker while living in a cold climate, but I'm not sure that's true. After a bit of futzing around with the thermostat, we determined that the problem was the heater itself. I'm starting to envisage a call to a repair place, an exorbitant fix it bill, know where this is headed.

Michael takes a look at the heater. Flips a switch, flips it back. Presto, we have heat. Thank goodness we got that sorted out, tonight we're expected to get down to single digit temperatures.


Debbie said...

We had our first really heavy frost this morning. It was beautiful and cold...not quite single digits - but I think it was around 25' - plenty cold enough for me.

Mad Runner said...

So, was it the inside .10 mile track for you? I think I wouldn't mind it so much when it's in the single digits! Think warm thoughts!!