Thursday, January 7, 2010


The nice thing about the mornings that Michael drives the kids to school is having a little extra time. You know, time for that "most important" meal of the day. I try to give my kids a hot meal...a few times a week. I am not above cold cereal, but my kids LOVE such culinary delights as french toast, pancakes, Dutch Babies,...sensing a theme? My kids like warm stuff.
So far, I think I've managed to make all of their favorites this week. (In hopes that it leads to better attitudes at school) My kids are fairly forgiving if their pancakes don't come out exactly as they plan. In fact, I usually make some random shapes and then ask them what it is. Sometimes all they get are full moons. Depends on the morning.


Frankie/mom said...

I recognize Mickey Mouse when I see it!! Your kids are so lucky to have a good mama make them a hot breakfast! I brag about dad's daily hot breakfast cooking all the time! You learned from the best!

Debbie said...

Danny started the week with crepes...but after two days I rebelled - and it's been waffles the rest of the week.

Mad Runner said...

My kids are spoiled and have hot breakfast every morning. There are mornings that I think Pop-Tarts would be just fine with me.