Sunday, December 9, 2007

I'm a dork.

I guess I could just say end it like that since it's pretty true most of the time. I'll explain why I am today though. It's Sunday and I'm trying my best to not look like a schlep when I go to church. I make it through church and back home again when Michael looks at me and asks if my sweater is starting to fray. No...and then I realize that it INSIDE OUT! Yup, I'm a dork.


Keira said...

I love getting comments so here's mine--You ARE a dork. I wish I had been there to watch you wear an inside-out shirt to church. I wouldn't have told you about it either. How's that for a comment. BTW I like the blog name--it addresses the two problems of motherhood--crumbs and stickiness.

Keira said...

So is this the new name of your blog--if so, I LOVE it as well. Anything that references What About Bob pretty much rocks.

Debbie said...

I like the "Baby Steps" name. I think we should be very grateful that Keira has not turned her persuavise abilities to the dark side. Imagine the harm she could do if she ever got invovled in pyramid's bad enough that she talked me into a blog - but it did have a nice side effect - totally upped my street creds with my husband.