Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Wind in The Willows

It's Thursday and I generally have "lazy" Thursdays. Well, not today. I needed a plan of action to wear my kids out. I wanted to go on a REALLY long bike ride, the kids didn't. We compromised.

Rough and Ready Park is about 2.5 miles away. We biked there and played for about an hour and a half. I don't think that we would have lasted that long if we hadn't moved to the less windy playground. When we first got to the park it was blustery, windy, and breezy all rolled into one. It was like being in the Santa Ana winds, but not as hot.

I went prepared with snacks and drinks. I wasn't prepared enough. How is it that kids can down a Capri Sun in about 2.5 seconds flat? Luckily it sufficed for the next hour, then I promised them a drink on the way home. Whoever designs parks needs to remember a bathroom and a water fountain.

That was a fun excursion, but now I have the rest of the day to whittle away. What to do, what to do?!


Debbie said...

Read harder.

Keira said...

You BIKED !!! 2.5 miles with your kids--kudos my sister, kudos.