Friday, May 22, 2009

Wardrobe Malfunction

Last night we went to a Graduation Open House up at the church. About ten minutes before we head out the door I have the kids clean up a bit. The kids had been playing all day and looked rather grubby. Lily actually had a swimsuit on in hopes that I would get out the wading pool. No, I didn't get out the pool. I did let her wear the swimsuit for the entire afternoon.

Lily heads upstairs to change out of her swimsuit and comes downstairs in a dress. I look at her and ask if she still has her swimsuit on. She says, "Nope." We then head out the door.

We're at the open house and a Lily sees her friend Lauren. She is an aspiring babysitter (turns twelve next month) and loves kids. Lauren picked up Lily, lifting her dress in the back, and I notice the wardrobe deficit. Instead of asking if Lily took off the swimsuit, I should have asked if she remembered to put on underwear. Opps.


Debbie said...


Did the Graduation Open House have something to do with the last day of school?

AJsGirls said...

Did they have those metal chairs? I would not want to sit on those with bare goods.

Keira said...

Going commando! So soon...

m_perfect said...

Oh those little questions we forget--I've always needed a list. I would so start one if I was you!
I giggled and giggled over this Lilism!

Mad Runner said...

I am laughing so hard I am crying and can't type! Please tell me you have journaled this and will save it for her sweet sixteen??? Please?!!!

Kim said...

Love it!!

Jo said...

Oh Man! I love it!