The morning of her birthday, I figured that I should ask Emma if she even wanted her ears pierced. I guess that was like asking the Pope if he's Catholic. She was ECSTATIC when I asked and had to think about it for a millisecond before replying, "YES!" It was a another second before she asked, "Is it going to hurt?"
Calming her fears, we quickly rushed off to the mall and did the deed. She was kinda nervous, but she didn't cry (which was important to her).
Brave girl. Now you won't have to worry about what to get her for years. You'll just have to stand firm about whatever rules you might have about kinds of earrings she can wear.
Lauren says Emma can borrower any of her earrings when she comes to visit as long as she doesn't take them with her when she has to leave. 3 weeks next summer for cousin tradin' fun!
I had to keep saying to Emma; "No dangles!" when we were shopping. I'm sure I'll be repeating that ALOT.
Seven was the magical year for Cara too. Same issue with the dangles...I can't believe how grown up she is getting.
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