Monday, October 6, 2008

Sick Day

This morning Jack woke up with a deep cough and a slight fever. Dang it, if he didn't have the fever I would totally have sent him to school. Emma and Jack were having a discussion during breakfast regarding who was more sick. I know that Emma wasn't so interested in going to school when Jack had a good out. Well, not one to coddle my unsick children, I headed off to school to drop off Emma.

I managed to get a few things done (laundry) and get lunch in before I got a call from the nurse's office. Emma's ear was hurting her. I'm not sure if this was a legitimate call, but she stayed at school until 1pm. Good enough for me.


Debbie said...

I need to buy more tissue. Danny can go through half a box at a sitting. Fortunately he's over the last bout of sniffles, but can the next one be far behind?

No sick days for him.

m_perfect said...

One of my favorite Dad memories...
Being one of the very annoying ( and for a school kid-unlucky!!!) beings that was rarely sick in my youth I would watch the tv morning movie schedule until Pat Boone's "Mardi Gras" was showing (why this movie was my favorite I do NOT know!!)and than sidle up to Dad while he was shaving in the morning ( he didn't have an electric razor then so lots of hot water was involved). I would look pathetic and hand him the thermometer which he would take and put under the hot water... after a minute or so he would hand it back to me and I would take it to Mom ( who never let anyone miss school except in the case of fever or viable spots) who would read said thermometer and let me stay home. I don't know if she was wise to the scam or not, but I sure enjoyed my one day off per year.

Lori said...

Just give them some Advil and you've got a good four hours until the fever will show up at school. :0