Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Week Three

The kids have been in school for two whole weeks and we're just starting the third. I must admit the enthusiasm for school has worn off, both the kids and mine. Homework is never fun, but we made it through last week with minimal tears.

So I pick up the kids from school today. Emma has gotten a fourth "opps" report. Jack has failed his spelling test from last week. I think I have a case of the "Mondays" and it's actually Tuesday!

I threatened to take away Emma's birthday if she can't straighten up her behavior at school She's been planning a birthday party for weeks and I've kinda let her go with it. I squelched her plans and put some parental pressure to start acting appropriately at school. I really hope that she starts behaving, I really want her to have a birthday party (that will mean she's behaving, right?!). I am prepared to follow through on my threat, that's how good/mean a mom I am.

As for Jack? Well, he has to go over last weeks missed spelling words as well as this weeks list.

Ugh. Nothing like a three day weekend to lull me into a false sense of calmness. Homework plus kids equals crazy mom.


Debbie said...

It would be a pity for Emma to miss her birthday party, but what a great incentive.

What have you got for Jack?

Jo said...

I know. Don't you hate it when you threaten something and then dread having to follow through? I hate when I do that.

Keira said...


Aren't we all?