Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Say Uncle

I'd like to thank Jim for cleaning my house yesterday. (Ok, I did the cleaning, but he was the motivation) In spite of a RUPTURED eardrum he made his way to our house last night and entertained the kids by playing Guess Who and letting the kids dance on his feet. I would say, "Isn't that what uncles are for?," but this was above and beyond in the condition Jim was in.

Earlier in the day when I picked up the kids from school, Emma was overjoyed that Uncle Jim was coming over. Jack, on the other hand, was a might disappointed that I was being a "mean mom" and not letting his friend come over for a playdate. Once he got over that, Jack asked how long he was staying, to which I replied, just for dinner. Jack gave me a funny look and said, "That's pretty expensive. Why would Uncle Jim pay for a ticket to fly here just for dinner?" I said next time he'll stay longer.


Keira said...

A. What cute decorating you have going on in the background. (Following Debbie's first rule of decorating:use books.)
B. I miss having Jim.

Debbie said...

Actually my first THREE rules of decorating are: use books, use books, use books.

It's a pity that Jim is broken again, that seems a recurring theme with him. It seems to happen a lot when he travels.

Mad Runner said...

Now that I am posting on most of your blog posts I feel I need to chime in here as well. Jim misses seeing Jonah & all (Jonah plays soccer so there is a certain bond) and Jack, Emma and Lily. His comment about Emma was 'she's calmed down - I wasn't sure how to take that...'. Again, life amuses me at it's twists and turns... And, yes, Jim is still broken.