Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Awesome Possum

There are benefits to being the youngest. I cave a lot more with Lily then I did with the older two. When Lily saw this at the thrift store, she VERY excitedly asked; "Tan we get it?"

I know that this is a toy that will provide hours of entertainment or fighting, I haven't decided yet. Emma is still at school and Lily has the toy to herself. I suppose I should record the ensuing arguments tonight over the toy. For now, I'm going to enjoy listening to Lily play dress up.

Lily just yelled downstairs; "Awesome Possum." I have achieved cool mom status for the day.


Debbie said...

You should have linked to "I Enjoy Being A Girl". It is so Lily (and Emma).

Kim said...

How cute! I agree that the vanity is awesome possum!!

Keira said...

Can I have one of those please--but only if it puts a grin on my face like that one.

Pam said...

She is adorable! You are the best Mom...a vanity all to herself!