Saturday, May 3, 2008

What's in Your Wallet?

Yesterday, Lily and I ran around like crazy after I dropped Emma off at school. I usually try and do errands while I only have one child with me. Lily was being unusually cooperative and I was able to go to four stores. She actually kept saying; "One more store?"

At the fourth store, they had a bin of "free toys." Lily kept finding purses and then stuffing the purses with more and more toys. I had to tell her "ONE" free toy per child. I finally managed to get Lily to decide on one pink animal print purse. She loves it!

This morning she played "What's in your wallet?".
Jewelery, wild animals, and treats are the necessary items to go in her pink purse.


Debbie said...

I think that has to be one of the cutest pictures of Lily that I've ever seen. She looks sooo happy. Who knew that pink furry animal print purses were the road to true happiness.

I'm doomed to be less than perfectly happy.

AJsGirls said...

She is SOOOOOOOO stinkin' cute! Oh, Lily. Seriously.

Mad Runner said...

Oh, my gosh! I don't think I have ever seen a girl sooo happy! You better watch out - you have a girlie girl!

Suzanne said...

I have two girlie girls. Emma was trying to figure out a way to get Lily to part with her purse. Lily knows how to protect her stuff, she started yelling at Emma, "It's Mine! Not Yours!"

Jo said...

Oh My Gosh! She is SOOO adorable. I love it!

Michael said...
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Michael said...

Now I cannot decide which wallpaper I want ... "Guitar Hero Lily" or "Too Cute Lily".