Sunday, May 25, 2008

Summer Vacation

I think that last week sent me into a tailspin. School finished on Friday. I am not sure how we're going to survive Summer.

Emma had a great year, she's so ready for first grade that she wanted to start working on her workbooks as soon as we got home on Friday. Jack...well, we have a lot of work that we need to do over the Summer. Spelling and writing are NOT his favorite subject. So, guess what we'll be working on. On the up side, I talked to Sherri and got some great ideas on how to work with Jack.

Completely unrelated to the above topic.

We went for a bike ride on Saturday. We have some good trails in town, but haven't figured out how some of them connect. We put the bikes in the back of the truck and parked at one of the trail heads. It was such a nice day (not too hot) that we rode about five miles. It was a slow ride with the kids wanting to stop and explore. Lily was so relaxed that she fell asleep about the time that we turned around to head back to the car. Michael and Emma rode their bikes from where we parked to home. Emma managed to keep up with Michael and completed about 9 miles. Pretty impressive for a 6 year old.


Keira said...

What? No pictures?

And Emma is awesome, btw.

Debbie said...

Emma is awesome.

Have you tried to look up city/county bike trails on the internet? Maybe that could help you figure out the connections. Our county has a map - it's under the parks and recreation.

Jo said...

That's pretty cool! I used to take the kids hiking around here. But since Carly got to heavy to carry in the backpack we haven't gone. Fun times!

Way to go Emma!

AJsGirls said...

The sounds like so much fun! Way to go Emma! But, my question you're kids get out of school for summer before Memorial Day? Why so stinkin' early??? I bet they're not complaining. :)

Suzanne said...

The only upside to having school out early is that it starts August 18th.