Things were going well. A little too well. The house was all mine. I was enjoying the silence, then things took a turn for for the worse. I decided to start the laundry to liven up the afternoon silence. No sooner had I put the load of whites in the washing machine did I spill bleach all over the floor. There was nothing on the floor to ruin, but it did splash on my newish capris. No use crying over spilled bleach.
I then head over to the school to pick up the kids. Emma informs me that she has something I have to sign and return for tomorrow. No biggie, right? There are lots of forms that need to be signed at the beginning of school. It's only the second day of school.
I ask Emma; "Is this a good or bad thing?" She replies; "I'll let you decide." She then hands me a form letter that is titled "First Grade Oops Report." The teacher can check off from a list of offenses what the student has "oops". Emma has three checks, one of which lists the offense as "Not following classroom rules". Kinda vague, but I ask Emma; "What are your classroom rules?"
I signed the report and in the comments section I requested a list of the classroom rules so that we could review them at home. It's the second day of school!!!!!!
Later that day.
We went to play at Brody's house. As I sat on the porch watching the munchkins play, I was suddenly head butted. Brody came out of left field and socked me right above the eye. I could tell he was hurt by the look of shock and surprise on his face. I was in enough pain to make my eyes water. Well it soon turned to tears because I was trying so hard not to laugh and my allergies were so bad that my eyes were already watering. The head butt sent me over the edge.
Nothing like being beat up by a two year old. :)
I could go on, but the rest isn't nearly as comical as the aforementioned.
Suzanne and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
I have had days like that. You sort of need a "reset" button.
btw - do you have a black eye?
"I'll let you decide..."
Nicely played, Emma. Nicely played.
No black eye, but that would have been an excellent sympathy card to play.
Emma is showing maturity with her choice words. :)
What a day! I have a quote on my fridge, "I try to live one day at a time but some times several days attack at once!" - sounds like one of those!
I have to say that Emma has really learned to choose her words carefully. Maybe start steering her towards politics or an ambassadorship. Or public relations???
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