Thursday, January 31, 2008

Begin As You Mean To Go On

Time for a little post month wrap up. It's amazing how fast January slid by, but doesn't time have a way of doing that?

So, my favorite quote is ; "Begin as you mean to go on." That means if I don't start it it doesn't count, right? Anyhow, I have kept this in my head since Keira shared it with me and it has really stuck. I don't look at New Year's Resolutions as things that I will fail at, but things that I can work on and hopefully continue. That being said;

1. I am in the Book of Mosiah and should be done by next week.
2. The scale says I weigh less than I did at the beginning of the month. Let's hope it's telling the truth.
3. My "Picture of the Day" goal has become a picture of the week.
4. The number of posts on this blog is "close" to the number of days in this month.
5. I do need to make a list of books that I'd like to read instead of randomly grabbing whatever books are on the closest shelf at the library.


Debbie said...

"It's the End of Januarary" That's it? And is that your final spelling of January?

Your spelling painfully reminds me of the birth announcements I sent out after I had Andrew and I didn't realize until after I had sent them that I misspelled February.

Suzanne said...

Been a crazy day...thank goodness for spell check.

Dangerous Dan said...

You're an inspiration to me - I took a look at my New Years Resolutions - I'm doing well in most of them, but I haven't even started a couple of them.

Dangerous Dan said...

Sorry - this is NOT Dangerous Dan - he forgot to sign out and I didn't notice until I just posted a comment.

Keira said...

Way to keep up on you resolutions. We're doing okay but that d***ed IUD id still there.

Keira said...

BTW, I like your new banner picture.