Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax Day

Happy Tax Day! It's always a great day when you have already filed and received the refund. It's almost like free money, except that it's the extra taxes you've been paying all year. I know that fiscal advisers say that you should not pay more than you have to so that your money earns you money throughout the year. Let's face it, I'd rather have money come back to us than owe money.

Here's to fiscal responsibility and rejuvenating the economy!


Debbie said...

What are you planning to do with your "economic stimulus payment"? Save it, pay off debt or spend it?

My husband wants to invest in food storage, me, I'd rather help the economy and promote world peace through travel.

Keira said...

Book cases, carpet, flooring...Oops, it's gone already.

Mad Runner said...

Connor thinks you just want to travel Deb. I tried to tell him that you are really a humanitarian but he isn't buying it. Smart kids are hard to deal with...

Debbie said...

Gosh Connor, can't you see your Aunt Debbie as an ambassador for world peace? I would be happy to travel nearly anywhere (except tropical, bug infested jungles) to promote understanding and peaceful resolutions to such things as souvenier purchases.

Suzanne said...

We're paying off our debts. Nothing exciting like promoting world peace or redecorating.