Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tin Foil

I have moved into the realm of nutty. We have a cat as some of you know. I generally like Peanut, but she does drive me crazy some of the time.

Peanut likes to jump up on the furniture and tables. Somewhere I read that if you put foil on a surface, cats will avoid it. So I have foil on the backs of a couple of my couches. It's not as bad as wearing the foil on my head, but it does look a little crazy to have foil on your furniture.

The other day I had people come in the house. I planned ahead and hid the foil so they wouldn't look at me funny. As the people were leaving, I look over at the couch and Peanut is lounging like a lizard in the sun. I shake my head and Peanut lifts one sleepy eyelid as if to laugh at me.


Debbie said...

On one hard I'm very very sorry that Nathan is allergic to most pets, on the other hand, I'm so glad that pets(at least the fur bearing ones) are not an option.

Debbie said...

Oops, I mean "On one HAND..."

Michael said...

Your image of Tux the Linux mascot is poetic. Tux doesn't like cats either, because they are the Mac OS X mascot. Yup. I'm a geek.

Suzanne said...

Debbie, have you considered an iguana?

Michael, I thought you might get a kick out of the pic.

Keira said...

We are a no pet household. I suppose that makes us soulless but you'll never catch me blogging about foil lined furniture.

Debbie said...

I must say, I have NEVER considered an iguana.

It's safe to say I never shall.