Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Birds and The Bees

I was a deer in the headlights. Unprepared was I to discuss the inner workings of the female anatomy to my 9 year old son. Yes indeedy, I had to exlpain what a feminine product was for.

Jack skinned his chin on the way to the car after school. When we got home I told Jack to go look in my bathroom for the bandaids. Little did I know that he would look in my bottom drawer, you know, the one that's off limits to everyone. Well, he came out holding an item and asked; "Will this work?" Immediately my mind races to an image of him with a pad stuck to his face and I can't control my sides from aching as I start laughing.

"Umm, no Jack, that won't work."

"Why not?"

Yup, I then had to launch into a birds and bees discussion. Failure to plan will inevitably lead to some stammering, questionable explanations, and possibly 9 year old boys walking around with pads stuck to their chin for First Aid purposes.


Debbie said...

The pads would work. That's pretty much what they are made for. We actually keep some in our emergency first aid kit.

It would almost be worth the therapy the poor boy would have to go through. Those would be the best blackmail pictures ever.

Suzanne said...

So tempted.

Lori said...

That is so funny. Weren't you tempted to have him try it and get a picture for your blog?

m_perfect said...

Way to have restraint! The mere image in my head is enough ( hee hee hee). So pictures that you would be hated for later are not necessary.

Suzanne said...

The thought of a picture crossed my mind several times. I'm not sure that I could explain myself and the therapy bills to Michael.

Keira said...

Yeah. Nathan sometimes forbids me some pictures...

What a bummer. That's classic.

AJsGirls said...

Oh, gosh! So very funny. I am surprised something like this hasn't happend already.