Sunday, January 4, 2009

Quick Change

With the arrival of the new year, there were a few changes at church. First, our ward now meets at 9 AM. Yipee! Much better than the 11 AM meet time from last year. I would like to say I was early and got good seats, but I arrived right on time and sat in the last row. At least the view is pretty good from the back row.

As of late Saturday night, I was no longer the Relief Society Secretary. Talk about a last minute call. I am now teaching the 12 year old girls. This is a first for me being in Primary. It's a small class and I am glad that I didn't end up teaching Jack's class which has 12-15 kids. Thankfully I have a lot of family resources to use (Tia, Sherri).

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I haven't taught too much in Primary (always the substitute, never the bride), but I did teach Stephanie when she was an 11 year old. That was the only time I was ever her teacher. There were only 4 girls in the class, then one moved. This was back in the days before achievement days(?) - so the Merrie Miss teacher (I think they were Merrie Misses) "got" to do activities during the week also.