Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Blue Tape

I took a long break from painting and decided that I needed to get back in the program this week. You know, New Year's resolutions and all.

The most satisfying part of painting is when the bulk of the wall has color on it. Second to that satisfaction is when you get to pull the blue tape off the wall and see that (hopefully) crisp line that is achieved.
I still have a lot of white walls to cover, but I'm getting closer to my ultimate plan of "no wall left white".


Mad Runner said...

It that akin to the 'No child left behind'? Looks great! When are you coming here?

I lost your Lowe's paint color (again). Jim's gone for 10 days next week ... maybe I will paint!?!

Michael said...

I need to come visit you. I was thinking that we need to plan another "sister" visit, but it needs to be somewhere fun (Hawaii?) or your house. I would help paint if we came to your house.

Suzanne said...

opps, I was logged in as Michael. I'm sure he'd love to visit, but probably wouldn't paint.